Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tribal Scene Radio Episode 8

Description: Kyi-Yo Club organizers Suzette LaPlant-Means and Robert Peltier discuss the difficulties they faced during the 42nd annual Kyi-Yo Powwow on the University of Montana campus in April of 2010. During the final night of the contest powwow, Means had to go up on stage in front of thousands and explain that the club didn't have enough money to pay contest participants. In the second half of the program, then University of Montana President George Dennison explains how the university reacted, and what the future holds for the Kyi-Yo club and Native American students here on campus.

Running Time: 40:48
Air Date: 05-07-2010
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Tribal Scene Radio Episode 7

Description: Comedian JR Redwater from the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in South Dakota comes into the studio to talk about his career as a comedian. He relates stories from the road while on tour, stories of drunk hecklers and how race plays into his material. Jodi also asks JR to explain what the world of Indian comedy is like and what marks success for him. Ultimately, JR's focus is being able to "live in his own skin, to be able to smile and mean it."

Running Time: 54:41
Air Date: 04-30-2010
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tribal Scene Radio Episode 6

Description: Denise Juneau, Montana State Superintendent in the Office of Public Instruction comes to the KBGA studios for an interview. Juneau is the first American Indian elected to a statewide office in Montana. Visiting Missoula as the keynote speaker for UM's Indian Law Week, she takes the time to discuss her education curriculum, Indian Education for All, with Tribal Scene's host Jodi Rave.

Running Time: 50:28
Air Date: 04-16-2010
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Monday, April 25, 2011

Tribal Scene Radio Episode 5

Description: This episode welcomes Maylinn Smith, Director of the University of Montana's Indian Law Clinic. Also joining the conversation by phone is Shane Morigeau, then president of the Native American Law Students Association at UM. The discussion centers around UM's annual Indian Law Week, which runs an entire week each April. The clinic highlights 'hot topics' in Indian country and brings in panel discussions on Indian Education For All, Montana State Superintendent Denise Juneau's Native American education program. Mrs. Juneau is featured on the next episode of Tribal Scene Radio.

Running Time: 30:35
Air Date: 04-09-2010
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Tribal Scene Radio Episode 4

Description: Elrae Potts and Roger White Jr. of AlterNATIVE come on the show to discuss tobacco education along with Trace Wellman, Blackfeet Junior Powwow Princess. Potts and White have been doing work on Indian health and tobacco prevention in Missoula with the Montana Wyoming Tribal Leaders Council. Jodi also asks them about their work with youth, including a meeting of over 90 Native youth they called a GONA, or Gathering of Native Americans.

Running Time: 41:15
Air Date: 03-26-2010
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Tribal Scene Radio Episode 3

Description: Jodi speaks with Sam McCracken, chairman of the board for Nike's N7 shoeline, "which provides product donations and grants to Native American and Aboriginal communities in support of sports and physical activity programs for youth." Visit their website to find out more about the N7 fund and products.

Running Time: 38:50
Air Date: 03-19-2010
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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tribal Scene Radio Episode 2

Description: Dr. Arne Vainio is an Ojibwe physician who works on the Fond du Lac Reservation in northern Minnesota. He joins Jodi here to discuss his work in Native American health, but also tells the story of how his trajectory in life changed as he began to come into adulthood on the reservation. Soft spoken and serene, his stories of alcoholism, suicide and tragedy bring perspective to the conditions Indians face on reservations today. Also mentioned in this episode is Dr. Vainio's Emmy-nominated documentary Walking Into the Unknown, which you can find more information about here.

Running Time: 43:16
Air Date: 03-12-2010
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