Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tribal Scene Radio Episode 8

Description: Kyi-Yo Club organizers Suzette LaPlant-Means and Robert Peltier discuss the difficulties they faced during the 42nd annual Kyi-Yo Powwow on the University of Montana campus in April of 2010. During the final night of the contest powwow, Means had to go up on stage in front of thousands and explain that the club didn't have enough money to pay contest participants. In the second half of the program, then University of Montana President George Dennison explains how the university reacted, and what the future holds for the Kyi-Yo club and Native American students here on campus.

Running Time: 40:48
Air Date: 05-07-2010
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Tribal Scene Radio Episode 7

Description: Comedian JR Redwater from the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in South Dakota comes into the studio to talk about his career as a comedian. He relates stories from the road while on tour, stories of drunk hecklers and how race plays into his material. Jodi also asks JR to explain what the world of Indian comedy is like and what marks success for him. Ultimately, JR's focus is being able to "live in his own skin, to be able to smile and mean it."

Running Time: 54:41
Air Date: 04-30-2010
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