Sunday, April 10, 2011

Generation X: The Interviews

Randy 'Skatin' Katen is the host of Generation X: The Interviews. Since 2008, Randy has hosted his bi-monthly punk radio show on KBGA, the college radio station for the University of Montana. Over the years, he's tracked down all the legendary performers from his days in California back in the mid/late 70s and early 80s. Randy is a former pro-skater, member of the N Men, and one bad-ass gray-haired mofo.

His interviews are fast-paced and funny and often he's able to get these old punk-rockers to talk at length about the glory days, the chicks and the beer and the mayhem, and get some perspective into how they're still using their music to make a living 20, 30 or sometimes even 40 years later. Also check out Randy's profile on Earth Patrol Media.

This program is free and available for download and redistribution or rebroadcast with consent. Email for more info:

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