Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tribal Scene Radio

This is a Native American news program that originates from KBGA, the college radio station at the University of Montana in Missoula. Jodi Rave is a graduate student and 13-year veteran journalist in the Missoula valley. With 30-60 minute long-form interviews, she reports on a variety of topics across Indian country, from the Canadian Tar Sands to tobacco and alcohol use to Native American education and tribal sovereignty.

Jodi has a strong voice for Indian rights and frequently travels across the Northwest and Midwest to meet and collaborate with leaders in Native American communities. This program will educate the listener on historical aspects of these unique cultures within our own borders, and provide a first hand conversation with tribal leaders and policy makers for some of Indian country's biggest events. Together, we continue to learn about the long-term consequences of actions taken by the United States Government in the previous centuries and we examine critically the decisions and legislation that affect Native communities across this continent today.

This program is free and available for download and redistribution or rebroadcast with consent. Email for more info:

1 comment:

  1. clark,
    are you there. I am trying to listen to some of the shows. they don't seem to be fully linked. How are you. Where are you?
