Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tribal Scene Radio Episode 1

Description: In March of 2009, Native American music and news were scarecely heard on the radio in western Montana. This likely prompted Gary Farmer and journalist Jodi Rave to make this youtube video when he visited the University of Montana campus. The staff at KBGA (the college radio station for UM) was not intentionally denying access to Native Americans; the two parties had simply not communicated up to that point! Needless to say, better communication led to what has become a fantastic collaboration between Jodi and the KBGA staff. Since then, Tribal Scene Radio has covered an impressive number of topics in Indian country, including this first interview in which Jodi clears up any misconceptions about the public's access to the university radio station. Listen as Jodi speaks with media activist and actor Gary Farmer on this topic as well as his non-commercial radio and television work in the United States and Canada.

Running Time: 43:16
Air Date: 03-05-2010
Listen Here

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